Spiceworks что это

Я давно порывался написать большой обзор на существующие системы поддержки пользователей. Способы переименовать компьютер Windows 10 с помощью настроек системы или командной строки. Десять программ для составления схемы сети на любой бюджет. IT Best Practices, How-tos, Product Reviews, discussions, articles for IT Professionals in small and medium businesses. Technology purchase blueprint for the coming year. In part one of the 2019 State of IT , Spiceworks inspected how organizations are spending their tech budgets. Spiceworks software helps IT professionals easily discover, manage and monitor the software and hardware assets in their networks. or connect with Connect with Google Connect with Facebook Connect with LinkedIn Create account with Spiceworks. Having trouble resetting your password? Read this, and if you're stuck, email. Reveal local settings, search DNS data, convert JOIN US AT THE WISCONSIN CENTER. Located in downtown Milwaukee, the Wisconsin Center is the new home of the CCB TechShowcase with plenty of space for more breakouts.